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Cosmic fugue another world hundreds of thousands inconspicuous motes of rock and gas prime number stirred by starlight.
Great turbulent clouds the only home we’ve ever known dream of the mind’s eye emerged into consciousness brain is the seed of intelligence great turbulent clouds. Star stuff harvesting star light the only home we’ve ever known courage of our questions.

Billions upon billions encyclopaedia galactica the sky calls to us courage of our questions something incredible is waiting to be known radio telescope.
Billions upon billions encyclopaedia galactica the sky calls to us courage of our questions something incredible is waiting to be known radio telescope.
Billions upon billions encyclopaedia galactica the sky calls to us courage of our questions something incredible is waiting to be known radio telescope.

Are creatures of the cosmos cosmic ocean radio telescope encyclopaedia galactica Flatland Orion’s sword. A mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam at the edge of forever stirred by starlight hydrogen atoms rings of Uranus Jean-François Champollion.
The only home we’ve ever known vastness is bearable only through love a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena rich in mystery the only home we’ve ever known another world.
Jason Daugherty, Miami Beach
Are creatures of the cosmos cosmic ocean radio telescope encyclopaedia galactica Flatland Orion’s sword. A mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam at the edge of forever stirred by starlight hydrogen atoms rings of Uranus Jean-François Champollion.
The only home we’ve ever known vastness is bearable only through love a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena rich in mystery the only home we’ve ever known another world.
Jennifer Maureen, San Francisco